Fall seven times, stand up eight.

Dear whoever is reading this,
you are beautiful & perfect in every way.
Smile, because you’re too amazing to be so sad. Stay Strong.

Hey you. Yeah, you.
The one with the broken smile & fighting back tears.
You are beautiful & you can do this.

Repeat after me: I am worth it.

I can’t promise you that tomorrow will be amazing,
but I can promise you that one day, it will be.

Be brave enough to hold onto the hope that life will be beautiful again.

If you haven’t heard it today, you’re beautiful.

To me, your imperfections are what make you beautiful.

Dear whoever is reading this, you’re amazing & don’t let anyone make you think that’s not true.

No matter how bad you think your life,
wake up each day and be thankful for what you have.
Someone somewhere is fighting just to survive.